7 IK Accessories Fully Compatible with iPhone 5

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Brian @IK Multimedia

Brian @IK Multimedia

IK Multimedia
New iPhone 5 owners can use their IK hardware straight away

IK is pleased to announce that seven of its accessories, including iRig™, iRig MIC, iRig MIC Cast, iRig MIX, iRig STOMP, iRig PRE and iKlip MINI have been tested and are fully compatible with Apple’s new iPhone 5. This means that IK users can continue to rely on their accessories after upgrading to Apple’s latest phone.

Guitar & Bass

iRig, the first and most popular guitar-and-bass interface adapter for the iPhone to date, offers an affordable price and full compatibility with IK range of effects-processing apps such as AmpliTube®, AmpliTube Fender® and AmpliTube Slash, as well as a multitude of other apps including GarageBand.

iRig STOMP, the firststompbox-style guitar and bass interface, allows guitarists and bassists to integrate their favorite signal processing apps into their live setup, inline with their other effects.

Vocals & Recording

iRig MIC, the first handheld mic, is designed for vocals and recording for iOS audio apps like IK VocalLive™ and iRig Recorder and many others.

iRig MIC Cast, an ultra compact, low-profile mic, is designed for recording podcasts, interviews, lectures, and other spoken-word material.

iRig PRE, the first studio-quality mic preamp for the iOS platform, makes it possible to use professional mics including dynamics, ribbons and condensers with iPhone recording apps.

DJ and Mixing

iRig MIX, the first iOS mobile mixer for DJ and live musicians, includes a full lineup of professional features such as a crossfader, separate channel faders, EQ, cue, a master volume and more.


iKlip MINI, a universal mic stand adapter for iPhone and iPod touch, makes it easy to securely clip the iOS device to a microphone stand for live performance and practicing.

All 28 IK apps for iPhone are also working for the new iPhone 5, and will be updated soon to take advantage of the larger screen and more processing power.
