OHHHH YESSSS Creamware Pulsar XTC is out!! VST stuff

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uuuuhhhhhhhohhhhhhhh the link didn't work for me....something about mysql and failure to work or something..
edited the link, now it works!

by the way, all such press releases are published on onlineDJ, the day they are announced! (section: industry news)

hmmm...Creamware XTC? sounds kinda kinky in a techno kinda way...Tinchy.
lol :) yeah
well they are not good with names, but their stuff is quite good. I dont recommend to get any creamware card if you have an AMD processor (like me hah...) but otherwise their stuff is pretty good (no latency, fast etc..)
Aww man, I was sooo close to getting an Athlon processor and a creamware card at one stage, and i kept on asking all around (although i didn't know of online dj back then) and everyone was saying 'o yah no it is fine what are you getting at why worry no yah ul be okay AMD is mega fast dont believe the intel hype'. at the time there was like this Intel shortage, NO intels in Sydney for like 6 weeks (bizarre, but true - March last year).
So i bought a G4 with a digi001. Four thousand dollars OVER budget later, I wondered if i made the right purchase (like, was the grass greener??)
Thanks Mano, you made my day! What IS the issue with AMD and creamware anyhowz?| hope it can be resolved.
i don't see any Nt/2000 drivers...... right thats it off my shopping list
i-clan, AMD processors are ok with Creamware cards, the problem is because of the VIA chipset that's on most AMD motherboards, it just is not stable, crashes, its not very compatible with pulsar, period.
well don't enquire about my shopping list i-clan otherwise u'd prefer to go on a sheep count.

Actually i have a VIA chipset too with a Celron it works fine, but i am going for a midiman audio card
PS- sorry if it sounded like i was gloating or anything about the fact that i ended up not getting an Athlon/Creamware thingo.<BR> I was more actually pointing out how really really good this site is for info , content, etc.
:) cool
yeah its good to be able to post our point of views and share experiences with other musicians ;)

I am currently playing around with PRO TOOLS FREE the free version of Pro Tools, it is making heavy echos right now while i record audio but its probably because i have a SB Live in this box (will put the Pulsar II inside later tonight)
Crispy Disco said:
:confused:What the heck is a "sheep count"?:confused:

Well counting sheep, something i'd prefer not to do where i-clan comes from, how many are there in Aussie land, 200 per person, more? what do they? are they planning to invade NZ and then take over the world?

anyway my mini shopping list is midiman audiophile, 256mb of RAM, CD-RW. For this PC
hmm, you may be right. not sure, but there is a town on the central coast named Wooli, and I hear the entire population consists of sheep.
Here in the city there's more traces of human activity.
Oooh i sniff a major debacle debate. Stop it stop it right now let us all live in peace!
Well both are really expense over here in recently renamed "sheep land" (although the cows are planning a major coup, which of course the chickens have something to say about that - and if u read 1984 the pigs are all crowing over their success).
From what i hear, cramwere has its own onboard dsp processing ;) which u can upgrade two or three times. Choice!
Digidesign 001 does NOT but it has a great 8 ins 8 outs 24 bit d/a converters. And the two inputs on the front can be mic OR jack, have phantom power ;) and individual input gain knobs and + or - 24db buttons depending if it is a line or a mic goin' in. And it is made by digidesign and comes with pro tools LE. It runs on your computer's processor only. With a 500mhz G4 i get about 7 real time plug ins running at once. Maybe i could optimise and get more. i have yet to find out.
The Pro Tools MIX studio can i believe run with your computer but it has its own "dsp farm" (these guys were the first to do this) and can run TDM plug ins aswell as RTAS. mmmm...TDM. I don't know if it would cost more than the creamware after u had added a coupla creamware dsp cards (which i believe is desirable, although it still has a type of dsp farm on the initial card).
Also, major point and seargant suggestion - check out the creamware user operating and check out the pro tools user operating and see if you can get a feel for how they look/work, because that's what u look at after installing.
I think im gonna go for the digi001... when i was checking up on it they say u can trade it in towards an upgradetowards the next overly expensive card or even the one after that [$9,000 US], So im thinking i want protools, but i want DSP power.. and i dont quite have that much.[especially with the state of our dollar in "sheepland" *hint]. I would like to have digi001 + pulsar2 with the digi001 rather than looking towards a thunderbird 1.2ghz for its love, turning towards the pulsars dsp capabilities.. Or is this just a dream?
Not necessarily a dream - possibly innapropriate.
Most of the time i would just use one or two ins anyway, and I'm sure the Creamware card would have one or two decent inputs with say 18 bit d/a converters.
Hoe much is a digi 001 in sheepland now anyways? I got mine mine for 2000 but that was early in the piece and it was part of a ten grand deal i got from Mat at soundevices in Sydney.
The thing about Pro Tools LE is, i find it verry easy to use after not much fuss. And it really is good interaction with the various outs of the digi 001 breakout card.
Concerning dsp power, yeah it would be good. But with the protools xtra plugins you can also just select and apply the effect, Pro Tools resamples it and it is done. Then u ain't using processor power and the G4 accomplishes this quite quickly.
But if u r on a PC platform, i don't know how good the digi001 works with the PC system. You have to test it out. Mano has said that the "VIA" chipset on an AMD chip is not the best for a Pulsar. So what chip u got? An Intel? If so, u should probably at least really look at the Pulsar and maybe one xtra Pulsar dsp board, and check to see how it all works (like there's a big modular mixer in the software, see if u can understand it, u probably could).