What do you think is the best sound card?

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dj funkifize

well, as I said in the subject... What do you think is the best sound card? I want a professional quality for recording both audio and midi. thanks
Ok i know what you should get...

if you dont have a mixer yet, you may want to get the new EVENT EZ-BUS

general info



it is like a soundcard (you dont need a sound card in your pc, all works thru the USB port.

Now.. I dint test it yet, but it is supposed to replace a digital mixer, and a recording soundcard in one package... It also has a quite complete MIDI interface built in.

Go to the URLs above and read more.
I think it is a good recording hardware device.
ok... too bad, I think the EZbus is quite innovative and pretty. Im gonna get one to review on onlineDJ, and if its nice, i'll get one for myself

then you may want to go for an ECHO card.

Is the behringer digital? If so, get an ADAT recording card.

otherwise, ECHO cards will do the job. Friends been using them for years. not sure which model to tell you though. go to their site and check their products out. They have a great reputation

I jyst found a review of the LAYLA24, their best recording card:
I've really enjoyed my Terratec EWS 88 MT
Its got 8 ins and 8 outs plus a seperate card built in to handle pc noises or anything else you want to send out of it (like a soft synth).it does 24 bit 96khz a break out box and the works... it was fairly inexpensive too. has digital in out as well but I don't have a digital mixer or a DAT.

Check there boards out, I think you'll dig them.

Oh and did I mention you can link lik 6 of them together.

Dj taos
In almost everything I've ever seen they say just to get an sblive... with the digital ins and outs it has would this still be an feasible option in comparison with the other cards above?

nope my mixer isn't digital. and I've been looking for a good Echo Layla24 on ebay. I have another question about that though- if I get a Darla or Gina instead, what would I do about the midi capabilities that the Layla has? What would I need for that?

why would you want to link 6 together? I've never heard of doing that and was just wondering what it would give you

as far as I know, SB live isn't too great of a recording sound card. it's good for beginners to intermediate... and I guess if your other equipment is good and have the know how, it would do ok on a professional level. But still... I don't know a lot about it, so don't take just my word for it.

dj funkifize said:
nope my mixer isn't digital. and I've been looking for a good Echo Layla24 on ebay. I have another question about that though- if I get a Darla or Gina instead, what would I do about the midi capabilities that the Layla has? What would I need for that?

Layla24 should be really good yes.

You mean those cards dont have MIDI interface? It's cool you go buy a MIDIMAN USB SPORT 4x4 or something and you will be good to go. I am one to use a soundcard for SOUND only, not for MIDI stuff (coz MIDI is not audio data).
dj Funkifizer,
by linking several cards together would start multyplying your ins and outs(btw I was wrong you can only link 4 of them) bit it will give you 40 input and output chanels that are all synchroninized perficly. It uses an extra internal cable to conect each ews 88 to each other to garentee flawless sample synching. Aparently its alot better then just adding a bunch of soundcards and expecting them to function together and synch together.

why not midi interface with audio interface manno?

why should i have a seperate midi interface? does it effect sound quality?
well it is much better to buy a MIDIMAN USB SPORT 8*8 or 4*4 midi interface than using the joystick port of a sound blaster... I believe it is good to separate tasks.

But i only say this because i blew out a SB-64-Gold a while ago (3 years ago i think) as I was using botht he midi (joystick port) and the audio at the same time, too much I think.. but it was a while ago maybe now its better..

I'd still go with a dedicated interface for midi tasking though.