The biggest problem with all the conspiracy theories is, that if even half of them were true, even your mom, sis and dog would be involved in some kind of conspiracy, read: you NEVER know how much of it is actual, factual truth and how much of it is mad men trying to project their psychotic thoughts on others.
If you were part of such a conspiracy and these people were all sooooo powerful, you'd never learn ANYTHING about them, because every bit of information about them would be secret.......a secret they COULD keep.
I don't like religion, because those pre-conditioned by religion either believe that a good life can be lived only when we die (sic!) and the other half do care about THIS life here, but only do so by pointing out how all of it is the work of Satan. This clearly shows you that most people are hypnotized and their behavior is the result of the PROGRAMMING they've been exposed to.
So before they go out and try to "wake up" others, they should open their eyes and wake up themselves.
I know, it's easier to project your fears on things "bigger than yourself", but it won't change anything.
The human mind is capable of so much more than you think it is and yet we always go back to use "fear" and "aggression" as our motivator.
When you meet a beautiful woman, are you trying to kill the competition, or are you trying to win her over, because you know she makes you more complete and you can give each other what you need?
The first is a war ("War on Drugs", "War on Illiteracy", "War on High Oil Prices", "War on School Violence", etc), a negative, DESTRUCTIVE thing, the second one is a positive, CREATIVE thing.
Once you choose to be CREATIVE, the "demons" will either disappear, or they will become challenges instead of hindering obstacles.
You just gotta wake up. And nobody can do this for you.
Once you woke up and changed the "destiny" of those around you, you can go out and change the world. Not t other way around.